Becas al 30 de junio #economianaranjagt

Oportunidades al 30 de junio #economianaranjagt

Becas RTNC

Consulta para Jovenes – Diles que quieres aprender

Maestria en Manejo de Proyectos de OEA

Voluntariado como profesor en Barbados

Programa de lideres en España

Becas Nueva Zelanda

Becas para Maestria en Brasil

Becas en Chile

Curso vitual de emprendimiento gratuito en California

Residencia Artística en Suiza

Becas en Argentina

Becas en Harvard

Becas via OEA

Study in the United States: The OAS – Rowe Fund offers financial aid to help cover tuition and living expenses for the last two years of undergraduate or graduate studies. To learn more, visit the Rowe Fund’swebsite.

Study in Brazil: OAS – GCUB, Grupo Coimbra de Universidades Brasileiras, in conjunction with PAHO offer full tuition waiver, language training, and partial monthly stipend, learn more here.

Study in South Korea: OAS – KDI School of Public Policy and Management offer full tuition waiver and partial monthly stipend, learn more here.

In need of additional funding? “The Financial Guide for Higher Education in the Americas” is a useful guide for identifying scholarships and financial aid opportunities for Latin American and Caribbean students wishing to or currently studying in the United States.

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