Inet conferences de ISOC

Building Internet expertise and regional capacity

The importance of connecting with regional Internet communities has never been greater. Local conditions require local solutions, assisted and informed by the technical expertise and policy experience of leading Internet community experts.

Regional Focus

The Internet Society holds multiple INETs each year, each with a unique regional focus and a selection of topics most relevant to the communities involved.

The mutual benefits of this approach are clear. Local Internet communities get exposure to Internet issues of global and regional importance, and access to world class technology and policy experts. In return, the experience of each unique INET enriches The Internet Society’s presence on the global stage.

INETs are characterized by

  • Engagement of multiple Internet stakeholders – Consistent with the Internet Model of development, INETs encourage diverse participation from multiple stakeholder groups.
  • Strategic locations – We hold INETs at the regional locations where they are most needed. This reduces barriers such as travel time and cost, which are critical considerations in the developing world.
  • Agendas tailored to regional needs – Each INET agenda is developed in consultation with local representatives to address a range of topics that meet their specific needs.

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