#Guatemala – #egarageTec – quote for Web portal for international client

We need to quote a Web portal (they want packages – 5 pages, 10 pages or whatever you have).  They do not want to give specifications for a customized portal, that is why they are asking for packages.  Please include on the quote what other things are included in the package: hosting, SEO, etc.

Please let us know is you are interested and will put you in contact with them: incubadora@tec.com.gt

Note:  We give priority to quotes from members of  AsocTecGT but if criteria is NOT met by them we include other quotes.

If you are interested in being a member please look at: https://www.mzaghi.com/2013/05/20/campustec-beneficios-de-pertenecer-a-la-asoctecgt/ or let us meet in one of our events to talk about it: http://www.meetup.com/Guatemala-NetSquared-Meetup/

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